~ ~4· The Hifhry of SAMPSO·N. . Of.UT things, can difpofe them, to attend His will, forgetting their created end : He~whofa Almighty power did fupply ' This Bone.with water, made the Red Sea dry. . Great G<I>d ofNature, 'tis as great an eafe, 1 For thee to alter nature, if thou pleafe~ ..AsJ<(.~rea,t~ it ; Let that hand of thine Shew fo'rth thy power, and pleafe to altermint 2 Ny fins are·open, but my farrow's hid; t cannot drench my Couch, as Daviddid; J ' Mybraines are marble, and my heart is fione: . 0 firike mine eys, as thou didfi: firike that Bone. THE ARGUMENT. He lodgeth with a Harlot ; Wttit if laid, and Guards arepitcht aboflt : He hear! away the City Gate upon his fhoulders, andgoeJ out. sea. 19· THu~ whcri victorious Sttmpfon had· unliv~d, , Th1s Hoafi ofarmed men ; and had revtv d His fainting fpirits ; and refrefht his tongue · With thofe fweet chryfial fireams, that lately fprung From his neglected weapon; he arofe (Secur'd from the tyranny ofhis Foes By his Heaven.borrQ\wed f\:rength) and boldly came To a Philiftian City, known by th, name ~ · Of Azza; where, as he was paffing by, The carelefs Champion caft his wandring eye Upon a face, whofe beauty did invit~ His wanton heart to wonder and delight : Her