The Hi(!ory of SA lvf PS 0 N.. ' i: 3J5 He1~ curious hai-r was crifp'd .: Her nakedbrdl: ·was wh_ite as Ivory, and fair1y , . , · · With coftly Jew,: Is; in her g1orimis· fac~ 'Nature was hidden, and dHkmhled grace Damaskt her rofie cheeks: her eyesdid fp~rke· ': At every glance, like Dian19nds in the dark: Bold was her brow ; whofe frown was but ~ foil To glorifie her berter-pleafing [mile; Her pace was carelefs, feeming to difcover The paffion s ofa difcontented Lover : ·Sometime her op'ned Cafement gives her eye A twinkling pafiage to the paifer by ; , And when her fickle fancy had given o·r That place, fhe comes and wantons at the door ; ThereSampfon view'd her, and his fieps could find No further ground; but ( guidedby his mind) Call Anchor there. Have thy obferving eys E'r.mark'd the Spiders garb, how clofe f1:re lies , Within her curious ·webb; <lt1d by and by How quick fre hafis to her entangled Fly; And whifp.ritlg poi fon in her murm'ring ears, Ar Iafi fne tugs her filetnt gueft, and bears. His hamperd body lo . the inner room Ofher obfcure, and folitii!ry Home: Even fo this fnaring beauty enr~rrains Our eye-led Sampfon., hampred with the chains Ofher imperious eyes ; and he, that no man Could conquer, now lies conquerd bya woman: Fair was his welcome, and as fairly exprefi ~yhis delicious language, which profeft . No lefs affection, chan fo fweet a friend Cculd, with her beff: expreffions, recommend ;– Inro her fhe diretts Her welcom guefl:, and with her fair refpects She ·enrerrains him; with a bounte~us kifs She gives him ea~ndl: of a greatet blifs; ' r \ And • '