Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

336 The Hiflory ofS AMPS 0 N. And with a brazen countenance, fhe brake The way to her ~mchafie defires,and fpake: ' Mirrour of mankind, thou feleeted flower ' Of love's fair/knot; welcome to Flora' 1 Bower ~ 'Chear up my love; and look upori thefeeyes, 'Wherein my beauty, and thy piCture l~es; 'Come, take me pris'ner in thy folded at ms ; 'And boldly flrike up fprightly loves alarmsi 'Upon thefe ruby lips, and let us·try -· · . 'The fweets of love; PIere's none hat thee, and I: ' My beds are foftefi Down, and purefi Lawn 'My Sheets; illY Vallents and my Curtains drawn 'In Gold and Silks ofcurious Die: Behold, . 'My Coverings are ofTap'fl:ry, enricht with Gold; ' Come, coifle, and let us take our fill of pieafure; 'My husband's abfence lends me dainty leifure 'To give thee t-velcome; come, lets fpend the night 'In fweet enjoyment of unknown ~elight Her words prevail'd: And being both undrefi, Together went to their defiled refl:. By this,the news of S ~tmpfon.r being there Poffeft the City, and fill' d every ear : . His death is plotted ; And advantage lends New hopes of fpeed : An armed Guard attends At every·Gate_, that when the breaking day Shall fend him forth, expetting forces may Betray him to his fudden death ; and fo Revenge their Kingdoms ruins at a blow : But luftful Sampfrm ( whofe difiruftful ears - ~ Kept open houfe ) wa~ now poffefi with fears :· He hears a whifp'ring, and the trampling feet Of people paffing in the f1lent Street ; He, whom undaunted courage lately made A glorious Conq.uerour, is now afraid ; His confcious heart is fmitten with his fin ' · Hecannot chufe bllt fear; and fear agin ; ~ . J .. '