Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

344 The Hijlfiry of S .AMPS 0 N. Andwilt thou fuffer ·.our faint fouls, to li~ " ~ . Thus unmanur'd, that is thy husbandry~ · !hey bear no other bulk but idle weeds, Alas, they have no heart, no heat ; thy feeds . Are-caft away, until thou P,leafe t' infpire .. New firength, and quench them with thy facred fire, St~rthcu my fallows, and enrich my mould; · And they !hall bring thee c;ncr~fea hundred fold. -~· · ... THE ARGUMENT. llalfe Delila accofls her Lover: Her lips endeavottr to entice • . Hi,, gent/~ nature :o difcover . · Hisflrength : Sampfon deceives h!r thric~. ~ell. 21. . - SOon as occafion lent our Champions ear To Delila, which could not choofe bu~ hear, IfDeli!abut whifper'd; ihe, wl10fewiles. were n~atly baited wit.hher fimple fmil~s, Accofie9 Samp[on, her alluring hand . Sometime woulp fl:roke his temples, fometime fpan'd His brawny ~rm; fometimes would gently grip~ His finewy wriQ:; ~nother while would wipe His fweating br.ows ; her ~anton fingers plai~, . . Sometimes,with his .fair locks; fometimes would bra1d His long difhivell'd hair; her eyes one while \Vould fte~l aglance upon his eyes, and fmile ; ·' And then her crafty lips woal(l fpe<lk; then, tmqther }ler broken fpeech; and theri begin another; At laft, as ifa (uddf.r'l thought: had brake Jlrom.the f~1r pri(ori ofqer. lip~~ fhe ff,ak~; 'Hpw