Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

The Hiftory of S AMPSOiV. '-How poor a Grifie is this arm ofmine ! 'Methinks 'tis nothing in refpelt of thine; 'I'd rather feel the power of thy Jove, 341 'Than of thy hand, in that my heart would prove , _ ' The flouter Champion, and would ma~e thee yeeid, · 'And leave thee captive in the conquer"d field•. ~ The firength of rny affettion paifes thine, '·As much as thy viCtorious arm does mine; .' The greatefi conqueft then is due to me • ~Thou conqucr'ft others, but I conquer thee: f But fay my l<;>v.e, it is forne hidden charm, .:·· ' Or does thy fioc k of youth inrich thy arm 'With fo great power that can overthrow, • And conqm;r mighty Kingdoms at a blow ! ' What caufe have I to joy ! I need not fear . ··'The greatefi danger, now my Sampfons here: - 'I fear no Rebels now ; methinks thy power _ 'Makes me a Princefs, andmv houfe aTower: 'But fay, my Lov~, If Delila fhould find d1ee 'Loft in a fleep, could not her fingers bind thee? 'Methink~ they fhould : But I would fcorn to make 'So poor a conquefi : when th'art broad awake, ' Teach me the trick: Or ifthou wilt denv me ; ~Know, that my own invention fhall fuppiy me; 'Without thy help : I'Ie ufe a womans charm,, ~ And binde thee fafi within thefe circled arms ; To whom the Champion fmiling, thus replied: 'Tak~ the green Ofyers that were n~ver dryed, ~And bin~· thy Sampfons .wrifis together, tht;n ' He fballbe fafi, and weak as other men : With th~t the Philifiines that lay in wait Within an ears command, commanded ftrait That Ofyers fhould be brought; wherewith fhe ty~d Vittorious Sampfons joyned hands,and cryed ; ~ Sampfon, rriake haft:e, and let thy fl:rengrh app~ar : '§a_rppfon ~ake 4<!ed, th$!.Pbiliftines ar~ here; ,. H~