~4~ The Hiflur:y ~f SA i/4PS O,N. Heftarts, and as the flaming fire cracks The flender fubftance of th' umwified flax, He twitcht in funder his divided bands, And in amoment freed his fafined hands ; With that: offended Delila bewraid Afrown; .h<dffweetned with a finile, and faid; . 'Tbink'fl thou, thy Delila does go about 'T' intrap thy life? Or can my Samp[on doubt ' To lodg a fecrec in rhe loyal brefi , , ' Offaithful Delila, that finds no refi, / ~Nohappinefs, but in thy heart, alone, 'Whofe joy .I pri~e far dearer,than my own l ' Why then fhouldfi thou deceive me, and impart ·'So foul a falthood to fo true a heart! 'Come, grant my fuit • . ~nd let that faithiefs tongue .· 'Make love amends, whiCh bath done love this wrong : :Co whom diffembling Sampfon thus replied; 'Take twified ropes, wh<Jfe firength \:VaS never tryec;J, 'And ty thefe clofed hands together, then 'I fhal11:1e fafi:~ and weak as other meh : With that fhe boundhim clofe; and having made Theknot more Cure, than her loves, fhe faid ; 'Sampfon arife, and take thy firength upon thee, . 'Sampfa.n ma.~e hafie, the Pbiliftines are on thee ; •He firai2ht arofe, and as a firiving hand Would ~reak a Sifters thred, he crackt the band That bound his arms, he crackt the bands in !jmder But frowning Delila, whole heart did wonder Nolefs,than ve:-:, beingfiii'd wi1h difq:mtent, . She faid, 'F'alfe Lover, If thy heart had'meant ''\Vhat rhy.fair tongue had·form~rly profefi, 'Thou ne~d1adfl: kept thy fecrets frommy brdl:: ', 'Wheoreinhath Delila been found unjufi, . 'Not t n deferve the ho:1our of t.hy trufi? . 'Wlrcreinhave I been faithle\s or difioyal? ·. ~ Or wh~ requ.efi.of thine. e'r fo~rJUdd~nhtl l · 'Ha~