Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

, 34g The Hiftory of SA MPS0 N~ As he that made it: Think you, you c,.n fall Into deaths hands, ! Ye !hall not dye at ail. Thus fell.poor man: his knowledg proved fuch, Better ·cbad been he had not known fo myeh: 'Thus this old Serpent takes advanr~ge fiill ·on our defires, and difl:emper'd will; ,; "' Art thou .grown covetous? Wouldfi: thou fain be rich ? He,comcs and ftrikes thy heart with the dry itch Ofhaving: Wealth will rouze thy heartlefs friends ; 'Make thee ~ potent Mafier: of thy ends ; 'Twill bring thee honour, make thy fuits at Law Profper at wiii, and keep thy foes in awe. Art thou ambitious ? he will kindle fire In thy pr<md thoughts, and make thy thoughts afpire i He'll come and teach thy Ho~our how tO f(orn lThy old acquaintanc~, whom haft outworn ; He'll teach thee how to Lord it,..and advanc~ Thy fervams fortunes with thy conntenance. 'wouldfi thou enjoy the plea[ure~ ofrhe ftefh? He~l bring tF1ee wanton Ladies ro refrefn Thydrooping foul: he'll teach thine eyes to wander; Inftru8: thee how to wooe ; he'll be thy Pandor : He'll fill thy amorous foul with the fweet pafilon Ofpowerfpl Love; he'll give thee ~ifpenfat.ion, To fin at pleafurt; ; he will mak~ thee flave . To thy own thoughts ; he'll tnJk<! thee beg and <;ravq Tobe adrudge ·; he'll make thy treacherous breath Defiroy th.ee, and betray thee to thy death. Lord, ifour father Adam could not flay In his upright perfe(tion, .one poor day ; How can it b~ eloipett~d, we have power To ho,ld out Siege,one fcruple of an ~our ?] Our arU}s are. boun~ wi~h too unequl band_s; We canot {lnv~; Vve cannot loofe ouJ,hands :. Great Nazarite, awake, and look riponus ; ~q.~e hafie to help, the Philiflines are on us.