The H.jlory of SAMP~ .0 N. . ?49 ,. ' . THE ARGUMENt. She fue! again: Sampfon replies . · ·· Tbe very truth : Her lips betray him i Th~y bindhim; tbey pHt out biJ eyes; . And t~ theprifon they convey him. ~ Sell. 22. VV I rh that, the t:vanton, whofe di~rufiful _eye , Was fixr upon reward, made ch1s reply, . ., ' -Had the denial of my poor requdl: . ' 'Proceeded from rh' jnexorabie brdt 'Of one, whofe open hatred fought t' indangei 'Myhaunted life; er had it been a ftrangerj 'That wanted fo much nature, to deny 'The doingof a common courteEe' ~Nay, had it been a.friend that had deceiv'd r~e, 'An ordinary friend, it ne'r had gricv'd me! · ' But thou, even thou my boforn-friend, that art 'The only joy of my deceived heart; 'Nay thc,u, who(e honey-dropping hps fo often 'Did ple:td thy undifkmokd lovc,and [often 'My de,C\r affec1ion, which coui•d never yeeld , 'To eafier terms; by thee to be beguil'd! 'Hmv ofren hafi thou mocl_,.t my 11ender fuir 'With forged falfhood? h~dfl thou bur been mut~, 'I ne'r had hop\! ; but being fairly led 'Tow81'dsmy prompt ckfircs, vvhich were fed ' \Vi th my fa!fe hopes, and thy falfe. hcattcd tongue, 't\nd tben bcguil'ct? I hold ;~ :z~. a \vrong: 'How .G.mfi thou t:1y thou !ov'il: 1he! Ho\V can I 'Thi_nk bur thou hat'fl me, \vhen thy lif...S deny •, . Sa