Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

~)o The Hr(loryof SAMP SO N. 'So·poor a (uit? Alas,niy fond defire 'Had flak'd, had not denial blown the,fire :' ' Grant then at Iaft, and let thy'open breft . ' Shew that thou lov'ft me, an? grant my fair requeil ~ 'Sreak, or fpeak not, thy Deltlafhall gtve o'r • To urge ; her lips fhall never urge thee ltlore : To whom the yeelding Lover rhus betray"d His heart, being tortur'dunto death, and faid j 'My Dear, myDelila; I cannot ftand 'Againfi fo fweet a pleader, it1 thy hand ' 'Ihere imrufi, and to thy· breft impart · '.ThySampfon11ife, and fecrers of his heart 1 ~Know then my Delila, that t was born 'ANazarite; thefe locks were never fhorn ; 'No Razor yet came e;r upon my crown1 · 'There lies my firength,with thc:;m my firength is gone~ ~ Were they but !haven, my Dclila ; o, then ~ 'Thy Sampfon fhorild be weak, as other men ; No fooner had he fpoken, but he fpread Ris body on the fto~r, his drowzy head He pillow'd on her lap, until, at Iaft, He fell into a fleep ; and b~ing faft, She clipt his locks from offhis carelef~ head, Andheckn~ng the Philiflians in, fhe faid ; . . 'Samp[on awake; take firength and courage on thee ;~ 'Sampfon arife, the Philij}ine.t are on thee : . · Even as a Dovt; whofe wings are clipt fof flymg, Flutters her idle fiumps, and fiill~s relying Upon her wonted refuge, firives in vain , To quit her life from danger,and attain 'The freedom of her air-dividing plumes; She ftruggles often, and fhe oft ,prefumes To take the SanCtuary of .he open fields; , · But, finding that lier hopes are vain, !he yeeidl: · Even fo poor_5ampfon ( frighted at the fonnd, That fOid2.'d him from his r~fi J forfook rhe ground ; ·P.et~·