Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

The J.f,jlory of SA i!1 PS 0 N. Perceiving t:-. e Philiflians tl1ere at hand , : I. '~ To take hinf'pris'ner., he began to fiand ., it . Upon his wonted guard ; his threatning bre.ath : . Brings forth the Prologue to their follqwing death: , He rou'zd h.imfelf,and like a Lion, ffiook · His drowzy limbs, and with a cloudy leok; · .. -·~ · (FOietelling boyfirous and tempeftuouswea~l)er) .. ·t Defi 'd each one, defi'd them all tog·ether . ,- · " . Now when he came to grapple, he upheav'd " ·, . } Hs mighty han_d, but now ( alas,?ereav'd . .• , ) Ofwonted power) that confoundmg arm . , "' (That coald rio lefs,than rnurtber) did no harm·t . Blow wasexcbang·d forblow,and wound fq.~. wQund.; 1 He that of latedifdained to give ground, \et . . ·. Flies back apace, who lately fiain'd the fieJd. .· , .; · · • .With conquer'd blood, does now begin .to .yeeld; He that oflate brake twifl:ed Ropes in .twain;. , r ls bound with packrhread ; he that did difdain To fear the power ofan armed Band, ·· Can now walk pris'ner in a fingle hand : Thus have the treacherous PhiJijtineJbetray'd Poor captive Sampfon: Sampfonnow obey'd: Thofe glowing eyes, that: whirled death about, Wheree'rtbeyview'd, their curfed handsputot.Jt, 'they led him pris'ner, and convey'd him down To fl:rong-wall'd A!\~a (.that Philifltan town, 'Vhofe gates his fhoulders lately bore away ) There, in the common prifon, did they lay · Difi:reffed Sampfon, who obtain'd no m~at, But what he purcbas'd with his painful f\veat; , For every day they urg'd him to fulfil His twelve-houres task, at the laborious Mii, And when his wafied flrength began to tire, T!1e,y quicken his bare fide~ with whips of wire.: F1Jl d was the town with JOY and triumph: A11, From the high Prince to th' Cobler on the fiall, . r