Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

,. 1) 2 The Jli(lory of SA MPS 0 N. Kept holy-day whilft every voice became Hoarfe as th~ Trump of news-divulging fame ; All tongu~s ~ere ~ll'd with q,o?ts ; and ·every ear wasgrown irtlpattent of the whtfperer: Sogene~al was their triumph, their applaufe, That children fhouted e'r they knew a caufe ~The better fort b~took them to their knees, Dagonmufi worfhip'd be; 'Dagon: that frees '~oth Sea and Land ; Dago7i, that did fubdue 'Our common foe.; Dttgon mufi have his due: ' Dagonmuft have his praife; mufi have his prize : ' 'Dagonmuft have his holy . s~crifice: . ' Dagon has brought to our via:orioos hand 'Proud Sampfon: Dagon has redeem'd our land: 'We caH topagon, and our Dagon hears; . 'Our groans are come ro holy IJagons ears ; - ' ToDttgon a11 reno\vn and glory be ; · · 'Where is there fuch anotherg9das he ? · ,I .. ,.., . A1edltat. 22. . .... w , . 't r H .·· Ow is our fl:ory chang'q? 0 more thim ftrange Effects of fo fmall time! 0 fudden change l . Is this that holy Nazarite, for whom . · Heav'n fhew'd a miracleon the barren womb? Is this that holy thing, againfl: v~hofebirth Angels mufi quit their Thrones, and vifit e;Jrth? Is this that bldfed Infant, that b: gan To grow in fa•rour fo ·.vithGod €i nd man ? . , What, is this he, who f\:rcngtilcn·d by heavens hand! Was born a Champion to redcer:1 the land! Is this that man, whofecourage did comefl \Vith a fierce Lion, grapli ng brefi to brcft; . And in a nvinkl ir.11 tore him '-:uitc in fll nder ? !s this the Con1ue~our v"hofe arm did thun~ier Upon