Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

The Hiftory of S AMP S 0 N. 3f3 Upon the men ofAJ~elon, the power Qf whofe bent fift flew thirty in an hour ? · Is this the daring Conquerour, whofe hand Thrafht the proud Philifi:ines in their wafted-Land I . And was this He, that with the help ofno~e, Deftroy'd a th6u,fand with a filly Bone? , Or he,whofe wrifis, being bound together, did · Break Cords like flax ; and dottble Ropes like thrid l ;Is this the man whofe hands unhing'd thofe Gates, · And bare them thence, with Pillars, Barrs and Grates l And is he turn·d a Mill-horfe now? and blind! Mufi: this great Conquerour be forc'd to grinde For bread and water t Mufl: this Heroe fpend His later times indrudgery ! Mufi: he ·end His w~ary days in darknefs ? Mufi: his hire Be knotted cords, and torturing whips ofwyre! Where heav'r1 withdraws, the creatures power fhakes; ~ Whatmiferie's wanting tli~re, where God forfakes! . Had Sampfon FlOt abus d his borrow'd power, Sampfon had fiill remain'd a Conquerour: The Philifii nes did act his part ; No doubt, His eys offended, and they pluckt them out : Heaven will be juft : He p_unifhes a fin, Oft in the member that he finds it in. When faithlefs Zacharias did become Too curious, his lips were firucken dumb : Sampfon, whofe lufiful view did over-priZ«i! Unlawful beauty, 's punifhr in his eys; Thofe ftaming eys fed1..1c·d his \vantonmind. To act a fin; thole eys are frricken blind ; . ' The beavty he invaded, did invade him, ,. And th.at fair tongue, that b!cfi him fo,betray'd him : r That fircngrh, intemperate lufi irnploy'd fo iiJ, Is now a driving the laborious Mill; ~ . 'fhoie naked {ides, fo.. pJeas'd wi th Iufl:s dehre; Are nowas n;~ked, Ia!h with whips ofwire. A a Lord~