"" ' ,· 356 The Hifl(;r)'&f SA MPS ON. With that poor Sampfon , whofe abundant grief, Not finding hopes ofcomfort or relief, . Refolv'd for patience :Turning round, he made Some fbift to feel his Keeper our,and faid, 'GoodSir, my painful labour ih theMill 'Hathmade me bold ( although againfi my will) 'To crave fome liLtle refl:; Ifyou will pleafe ' To let the Pillar but afford fome eafe ' To my worn limbs, your mercy fball relieve 'A foul that has no more but thanks to give. The Keeper yeelded : (Now the Hall was fill'd With Princes,.and their People that beheld Abu(ed Sampfon; .whilfl: the Roof retain'd A Ieafhof thoufands more, whofe eys were cha-in'd– To this tad objelt, with a dull delight, .. To fee this ftefh-and-blood-reJe.nting fight ) · With that the Pris'nerturn'd himfelf,and prai'.d So fofr, that none but Heaven could hear, and faid, ' My God, my God : Although my fins do cry 'For greater vengeance, yet thy gracious eye ' Is full ofmercy ; 0, remember now 'The gentle Promife, and that facred Vow 'Thou mad'fi to faithful Ab_raham, and his feed; " ' 0 hear my wounded foul ' that has lefs need 'Of life,-tban mercy: Ler thy render ear 'Make good thy plenteous pomife now, and hear; 'See, how thy cursed ememies preyail 'Above my fl:rength: Behold;l10w poor and frail 'My native power is, and, wanting thee, ' VIJhat is there, oh, what is there, Lord) in ~e! 'Nor is it I that Cutter: My dcfert ' May challenge greater vengeance, if toou ~·ert 'Extreme ro' punifh: ,Lord, the wrong is tlune; 'The punifhmem is juft, and only mine. , ' I am thy Champion, Lord ; It is not me 'They ftrike at ; thro11_gh my ftdes they thrufi at th~e; · 'Agamft