Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Sions SonetJ. j6.5 \ Free from the fcorchin~ of this * foultrey weather} . ' ' · 0 tell thyLove and let_ thy tove come thither : ' ... Say ( gentle Sb~pherd ) fits it thee to cherjfh ·. . · Thy p,rivare Flocks, and let thy true.Love* perifh? - * Per[ecJltions. *By Idolatry. · BR. ID E - GR 0 0 M. Sonet I I. . . 'l Llufirious Bride; more radiant and more * bright, Than th' eye ofNoone, thrice fair~rthan the light; ' Thou dearefi off-fpring ofmy dying blood,· · ·. And treafure ofmy foul, why haft thou flood Parching fo long in thofe ambitious beams ?. Come, come and cool thee in thefe filver * fireams : Unfhade thy face, cafi back thofe golden Locks; And I will make thee * Mifiris ofmy Flocks, *Through my merit.r, and thy Stmllification. *The DoEJrine Dftbe true Propbets. *Teacher ofmy Congrega.. ' tion.r. , [2.] . ,. 0 Thou the Center ofmy choice defires, In whom I refi, in whom my foul refpires ; Thou art the flower of beauty, and I prize thee Above the World, howe'r the world defpife thee: The blind imagines all things black by kinde, · Thcu art as be'autiful,as they are blinde: And as the fairefi troops of Pbaraoh.r fieeds Exceed the refi, fo Thou the refi exceeds. f ' ,] THy * th~ek rrhe.garden where. frefb beauty plants Her cho1cet1 ftowrs) .no adornmg wants ; . There w01nrs .no relifh of* d1viner grace, To fum corr~plearnefk in fo fweet a face; , Thy neck without biemifh, without blot, Than Pearles more orient, clear from fta in or fpot; •• . Thy