Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

366 Sions Sonets. Thy Gemms and Jewels full of curious Art Imply the facred treafures of thy heart. *Thy moft vijihle JU:rts. * Sanllificatiott. [4.] ' ' THe Sun-bright glory of thy refounding fame ) Adds glory to the glory of rllY Name;' . . The more,s thy honour Love,_the more thou ftriv'fi · Toh~ourme ; thou gaineft what ·thou giv'ft : My Father (whom our ContraB: hath made thine) Will give thee large endowments of *Divine, And everlafiing treafure; Thus by me .Thou !halt be rich, that am thus rich in thee, ~ The riches of his holy Spirit. l ' I BRIDE. S 0 NET 3· , [I.] OH, how my foul is raviiht with the joys (voice That fpring like Fountainsfrom my true-Love~ How cordial are his lips ! how fweet his tongue ! Each _word he breaths, is like a melodious fong; ·He abfent ( ah ! ) how is my glory dim ! . I have no beauty not deriv'd from Him; 1 What-e'r I have, from him alone I have, ' And he takes pleafure in thofe gifts he gave. [2.] ' ' ' AS fragrant Myrrh, within the bofome~id,. Scents more delicious than (before J It d1d1 nd yet receives no fweerneife from that brefi, That.proves the fweeter for fo fweet agueft: Even fo the favour ofmy deareft Spoufe, ' Thus priz'd and placed in ·my heart, <!ndows