Sions Sonets. My ardent foul with fweetnefs, and infpires, · With heavenly raviflurien~, my rapt defires. · . . . [3· j , . ' ' ' Vv Ho ever fmelt the brea:rh nf morni~~ftow~rs. New fweet'ned with the dafb oftwthght fhow. . OfpoundedAmber,ot the flowringThyme,( ers Or. purple Violets in their proudeft prime, Or fweUing Clufters from the Cypreffe tree! So fweet's my love ; I, far more fweet is he: · . So .fair,fo fweet~ that heave11s bright eye is dim, And flowers have no fcem; co~p~r'd withhitp. B R I l? E-'G R .0 0 M. SON ET. IV. 0 Thou the joyes ofmy fufficed heart, [art; The more thou'think1fl: me fair, the more thou . look in the Ctyil:al mirr~urs ofrnine eyes, And view thy beauty; there thy beauty lies; ' . See there th'unmated glory of thy Face, Well mixt with fpirit and divinefi grace ; . The eyes of Doves are not fo fa'1r,as *thine; 0 how thole eyes inflame thefe eyes of mi'ne! *The boly P'ropbets. BRIDE. S 0 NET V. .. I I MOfl: radiant and refulgent Lamp oflight, . Whofe mid-day bea-uty yet ne'r found a night, 'ris thou, tis only thou art fair; from Thee . · RefleCt thofe * rayes that have enlighmedme, And as'bright Cynthia's bof!row"d beams do !hine 1 From_Titan'.r .g!'ory,, fo do.J frQ(TI thine; So da1ly flottnfhes our,frefh delight, In daily giving and receiving li ght. :t- Thy boly Spirit >f Ingivi1rg.g•act: 1 and receiving glarJ. z . No ·'· -,