Sions Sonets• .I \ . ' { [2~] . - Nor does thy glory fhine to me alone : · What place wherein thy glory bath not fhone } But 0, how fragrant, :with rich odour, fmells 'That * facred houfe, where thou my true lovedwells [ · N~r is it fl:range: How can thofe places he But fill'd with fweetnef.r,-if poffefl: with thee! My heart's a Heaven, for thou art in that heart; Thy prefence makes a heaven, wl].ere-e'r thou art. *The Congregation ofSaints. B R.lDE-G·R. 0 0 M. Sonet Vl. T~ou fovereign Lady ofmy felelt defires, I, I amhe, whom thy chafie foul admires : The Rofe for fmell, the Liliy to the eye, ls not fo fweet, is·not fo fair as I: · . My'veiled beauty's not the glorious prize · Of* common fight: *within, my beauty lies : Yet ne'nhelefs my glory were but fmall, IfI fhould want to honour thee withall. * Notil) 011.twardglory. *Inwardgrace~. [~.] / . ··; . ···Nor do I boa:fl: myexcellence alone, rnont' But thine(dear Spoufe)as whom,the world hath So true to faith, fo pure in love, as \-v:hom " Lives not aBride, fo fits fo chafl:e a Groom ; And as the faireft Lilly 4oth exceed The fruitlefs bramble, or the fowleft weed, So far (my Love) dofi thou exceed the retl:, th perfect be}luty ofa l<?yal brefi:. B :R. ID E. Sonet VTI. LOok how the fruitful tree(whofe laden b?ughs With fwellingpride,crown Auwmns frmli~g brows . Surpafies