•, '"~70 Sions SrmetJ.1 0 let all timcs'bt profp'rous, and all placC!s Ee wimefs to our undeiil'd Embraces. ' (".] r 1\ LL you, whofe feeming favours have profeft .r1The true affettion of a Io.yal breft, . ] charge you all by the trqe love you bear Tofriendfhi p,or what ' elfe ye count mofi dear ; • Difturb ye not my Love, 0 do not reive Aim of his joyes,that is fo apt to grieve; Dare not to break his quiet flumbers, left t;tou rouze' a raging ~yon from his refi. * Vex not hisSpirit with your fins. [6.] ' HArk, bark, I hear that thrice-celefi:ial voice, ' Wherein my fpirits,rapt with joyes, rejoyce ; . A voice that rels me, My Beloved's nigh; I ~now the mufick by the Majefl:y : · ·Behold,he comes; ·Tis not my* blemifht face Can flackthe fwiftnefs ofh!S winged pace; · J3ehold,he comes ; His trumpet doth proclaim, 1 He comes with fpeed.; A truer Love ne'r came. ~The imperfeEI·i()ns ofmyprtfont eflate~ . ' [ 7•) BEhold the fwiftnefs of his nimble feet : The Ro-buck and the Hart were ne'r fo fleet! The word I fpake flew not fo fpeedy from me :. As he, the treafure ofruy foul, comes to me : He ftands behind my wall, as if in doubt / Of~ic~e : Ah, this* Wall deoarrs him out : -0 hcv/fnjurious is rpe Wall of fin, That ·bars my Loyer our, and bolts mein ! *The weak._nefo pfmy jlej1J. . The BR. I u E in theper[on of/ the BR ID f... GR. 0 0 ;Jf. Sonet.· V I I I. - HArk, hark,methinks ~hear my"true l9ve fay, . Break, down that cnv1oU$ bar,and come,away; , •.. ···"" Arife