Siom SonttJ~ ~ 7' ,See howKings Courts furmount poor Shepherd$ G:elt So this, the pride of Solom011 excels; Rich wreathes of glo'ry crownhis Royal Head, And troops ofAngels wait upon his Bed. >t- By hea'IJenly Contempl~ttion. . ' [2.] THe court of Princely Solomrmwas guarded With ablemenat Arms ; their faith rewardc" With fading honour$, fubjea to the fate pfFortune, and the jealous fro'Y.ns ofState: But here th• harmonious QEire ofheaven attend, Whofc: prize is glory, glory without end, Umyixt with doubtings , Gr degenerous fear; Agreater Prince,than Solotttott~ is here! . TH 'd 1 1 [~·i l . . e Bn a bed ofPrincelySo otnon, · (Whofe beauryamat'd the greedy lookers on,' Whichall the worldadmired tobehold ? Was but of Cedar, and her fl:ed ofGold; Her Pillars Silver, and her Canopy Offilks, but richly ftain'd with purpl~ die: Her Curtains wrought in works, works rarely Iccl By. th' Needles att, ftich was .the Bridal bed. - , L4.] SUch was the Bridal Bed, which Time, or Age Durft never warrant from tb~ opprobrious rage Ofenvious fate; earth's meafure·s but a minute: . Earth fades; all fades upon it ; all within it; O, but the glory of this diviner place, No age can injure, nor yet Time deface : Too weak an objelt, for weak eyes to bide, Or tongues t' exprefs: whn everfaw't,but dy'dl . f~.] WHo ere beheld the Royal Crown (et 'on The nuptial brows of Princely SoJQmon? Bb 4 f • . .