Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Sions Sonett. · Howor)ent is thy beauty ! how divine ! How dark's the gieryof the earth to thine ! ·*Potfrine of thy hoiJ Prophets.- :f- Modeft gracuofth, Spirit. · ·· , · · · ' ' [ 4·1 . THY neck (unbeautifi'd with borrowedgrac~) Is whiter, rhan the Lillies of thy face, Ifwhiter,may; for beauty, and for power, .· ~ris like che glory of David.r Princely Tower: What vaffal fpirit could defpair or faint, Finding proteftion from fo fure a Saint! How orient is thy beauty ! howdivine.! How d~rk's the glory of the earth to thine! * .lJ1agiftrates. -- r , L THe dear-bought fruit of that forbidden Tree, Was nor fo dainty,as thy Apples be, Thefe curious Apples of thy fnowy )fo brefi:s, wherein a PJradife of pleafure refis ; They breath fuch life into the ravifbt *Eye, That tbe inftam'd beholder cannot *die. ' How orient is thy beauty ! how divine! How dark's tha glory of the earth to thine ! . *The Old and New Teftamentr. * Tbe fan!lifir:a atul ~ealoru Reader. :t-· The fecond death. [6.1 My dearefi Spoufe, I'Ie ':If h1e me to my home, And rill that long expetted * day fhall come, The light whereof Jhall chafe the night that fbrouds Thy veiled beautie in thefe envious *clouds; Till then, I go, and in my Throne, provide A gloriol16 ·welcome for my faireft Bride; Chapplets of conqu'ring Palme, and Lawrel boughs Shall ·crown rhy Temples and adorn thy brows. ~ I will withdraw.~my bodily prefence. *The a47 of ludgmenr. lfInfirmities ofthejfefh. , 7• Would ,.