Siont Sonett~ 379 Howdo thy joys(though in their greateft dearth} Tranfcend the.proudeft pl~aflues of the earth ! . (11.] 'r THy lips ( my deareft fpoure) are the full treafure; offacred Poefie,whofe heavenly meafures Ravifh with joy the willing heart, that hears,,' · But flrikeadeafnes in rebellious ears : · Thy woras~like milk and hony do requite Thefeafon'd foul with profit an~ delight: Heavens higher Palace, and thefe lower places ~ Ofdungeon-earth are fweetned with thy graces. ·; * Divine harmony. . . ' [ 1'2. J - 1\ ~~YLove is like aGarden, full offiowers 1V ~hofeSunny ~anks, and choice offhadybowers Gtve change ofpleafures, pleafures wall'd about I With armed Angels, to k~ep ruine out ; · And from her* brefls (*enclofed from the ill of loofer eyes)pure * Cryftal drops diftill, The fruicful fweernefs ofwhqfe gentle fhowers Inrich her flowers with beauty;and banks with flowers. *The two Tejlament1. =t R..iddlu t(} proph-ane R.eaders,_ * Celeftial Comfortl. [ i,. ] - My Love is like a Paradife befet ' . With rarefi gifts, whofe frui.cs (but tender yet) The world ne'r tafied ·; dainties far more ran: Than !!.dens tempting Apple, and more fair: I :Myrrhe, Aloes, Jncenfe, and the Cyprefs tree - Can boafl: nofweemefs, bUt is breath'd from thee: Dainties for tafte, and flowers for the fmel Spring all frorQ thfe, whof~fwe~ts '411 f~veets excel.. aRID ll9