Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

·Sion1 Srmeu~· . . , L :~ ! r B R.ID1!.. Sonc::t XIII. • I 0 Thou(my dear) whofe fweets all fweets exctiJ From'whommy fruits receive their tafie, their' , How can Qly thriving ¥-;plants r.efufe to grow (tincU Thus quic~n~d with fo fweet ;t=¥- Sun as thou .How canmy flow.e rs, which thyEwers nourifb With fhowrs ofliv.ing \Vaters( chufc: but ftourifh ? O, thou the fpring, from whence thef.e waters burfl. Did ever any tafi thy fire'lmes,apd thirfl: l . >t- The [FJifhf-qil, ·rhe· Son of rig!ueaufneft. [2] A M I a Garden ! may my flowers be So highly honour'd to .be fmelt by thee? Jnfpire t.h~m \Vith thy facrcrl breath, and then Reed yefrbm ~hem · ~hy_borrow 'd breath agen frequent thy Garden, Whoferare fruit invites Thy wek~m~ prefence, to his choyce; Delights ; Tafte where thOJl lift, and qke thy full rl pafi, Here?s th~t_w11l p~eafe thy fmell; thine eye, thy taflo. , I ' . .. · ..~·, . BR. 1 f! F. • G R. 'Q 0 M•. Sonet XIV. T . Hou facredCenter ?f my fou!, in ~vhom I reft;~eho!d thy wJ!ht for Love 1s come ! Refrefht with rhydd;ghts, I have repafied Upon thy. :f..plea(ures; my. fujl-foul bath ta,fied Thy :t- rivn~ dainties, and i~ a th freely been Plea!!~ d with thofe fruirs,· tha ~ .art: Cas yet; but green; All you thar love rh~ honour of n\Y·Bride, Come raft<; her Vin~yards, and he deifi·d. ){- Ohedience. :.r- Strongwo1 0 of fait b. =f The new fr~tit! oftbe Spirit. ~ l - . ~RID E.