Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

-~ S~ SionJ Sonett. Had been ; 1tbruft the churlilhPortals from tne~ That fo deny'd my deareft Bridegroom to me; ~utwhen I fmelt ofmy returned hand, My foul was rapt, my powers all did fiand Amazed at the* fwtetnefs they did find, Which my neglefted Love had left behind. )(-Thefweetnefs ofhisgrace. , . . [S·] ;T Op'd my door, tny Myrrhe-diftilling door, l_t But ah ! my Guefl: was gone,had given me o're ~ What curious Pen, what Artifi can define Amatelefs for row ! Such, ah, fuch was mine ! Doubt,s, a·nd defpair had of my life depriv'd me; Had not ftrong hope ofhis return reviv'd me; I fought, but he refufed to appear ; I caU'd, bnt he would not be heard, nor hear. · [6.] ' ·T Hus,with the tyranny of grief difiraught, I rang'd a-round, no place I left unfought · No ear unask'd ; * the Watchmen <;>fthe City *Wounded my foul; without remorfe or pity To virgin teares; They taught my feet to firay, Whofe ficps were apt enough tO kne their way; With taunts and fcorns they checkt me, and derided ' And call'd me Whore, becaufe I walkt, unguided. * Falfe Tettchers. *With their falfe Dollrinei. [7.] YOu ha11owed Virgins, yo11, whofe render hearts . Ere felt th' Impreffion of *loves fecret darts, 1charge you ail by the dear f;-•ith you owe To virg in purene fs, and yo~n Vefi:ai vow, . Commendme: to my Love, tf ere you meet him, 0 tell him ,that his lovc ..fick fpoufe cloth greet him: 0 lee him know, I Ianguifhwth defire . · T , enjoy that heart, that fe ts this heart on fire. ::t ;., ivine lvve. · / VIR· \ .