SionJ SrmetJ. TIR GINS. Sonet XVI. 0 Thon,the fairefiftower of~ortal.birth, , . If fuch a beauty may be born ofearth, Angel or Virgin, which ?or both inone, Angel by beauty, Virgin by thy mone, , Say, who is He that may deferve thefe rears, Thefe precious drop5? vvho is"t can fiop his ears At thefe fair lips? Speak Lady, fpeak at large, Wlu~ is,t I for wnom glv,fl: thou fo firict a charge? B R ID E, Sonet XVII. My Love is the perfe8:ion ofdelight, 1 Rofcs,and Doves are not fo red, fo \\ihite ; Unpatern'd beauty fummon,d e_very grace To the cornpofure offo fweet a face; His body is aHeaven, for in his brefi; The perfea Efknce ofa God cloth rdl ; : ' 1 The brighter eyeof heav~n did never fhine Upon another glory, fo divine. [2.] HIs~head is far more giorious t6be~old, Than fruitful Ophirs oft refined Gold, 'Tis the rich Magazinebffecret rreafure; Whence graces fpring in unconfined rneafure ~ His curl'd and dangling 'f- Trem~s do prochi'im A Nazarite, on whom ne,r Razor carne. J Whole Raven-Black coloutgive:s a curious relifh To that which beauty did fa much imbelifh. *His Deity. * Hi s bumaniry. '1, • 'L J' I . f [ 3. J 1. r . * . , l{e tot ie eyes o Doves are 11s taJr · eye~~ _ .lATherein fiernJufiice§ rnixt \vith Mercy) ties; . His