Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

., ~s4 His eyesare fimple, Y~t Majefticai, · In motionnimble, and yet chafl:e witbaU, _ Flaming like fire~ and yet burn they not, Vnbiemitht, undifiained with a fpot, Blazi.ng witlt precious beams, and to behoid,– L*e to rich Diamqnds in a frame ofGold. *His J11dgmenr1 andcttre of hit Church. . ' (4.] ~ HIs cheeks are like to fruitful beds o rgrown With Aromatick flm.yers newly blown, Whofe odours, beauty, pleafe the fmeii, the fight;> And doubling pleafures double the delight: His* lips are likeachrifial fpring, frotTJ whence .Flow fweetned fl:reams of facreGI Eloquence, . .Whofe *drops into the ear difiilfd, do give· ' ~Life to th(! * dead, true joys to * them that Jive. · * The difctJvery of him in his Werd. · * Hispromifu. * Thofe that die to fin. *That live to ,righteoufnefs. [ ~'·] . His ;hands ar~ deckt wi~h rings of* g<?ld·; therings / Wtth cofily Jewels, fittmg noqebur Kmgs ;· , Which(of themfelves though glorious,yetjreceivc More glory from thofe fingers, than they give ; His * breafi:'s like Ivory circled round about Wi:th * veines, like Saphirs winding in and{)ut,, Whofe beauty is (though darkned from theeye)' Full ofdivine, and fecret Majefiy. *His A8io-ns. *.With· purenefs. *His fecret counfels. '*Inwardly glorious. · [0.] . ' His * Legs like purefl: marble, firong and white~ Ofcurious thape ( though quick) unapt for tlight ~ His Feet (as Gold that's oft refined) are like hi5 npright proceedings. pure and fair; Hts :f Port is Princely, and his fi:ature tall, , Anrl; like the Cedar, ftour, yetfweet withal: