Slons Sonets. .. [~.] r. ' THy Irory *teeth in whitn~1s do out-go . The DQwn of Swans, or winters driven Snow, whofe even proportions liuly r'eprefent Th· harmonious mufick of unite confent; Whofe perfelt whitenefs time could never blOt. Nor age (the envious Worm of Ruine) rot : How orient is thy beauty ! How divine ! How dark's the glory of the earth tO '! , * Sincere Minifler.r. . I . 1 [4.] THy* Temples are the Temples ofchafie love, Where beauty facrific'd her milk white Dove, Upon whofe Azure paths are always found , The heaven-born Graces dancing in around : Thy maiden* Bluthe-s gently do proclaim A fhame of guilr, but not~ guile offhame : How orient· is thy bC!auty ! How divine ! How dark's the glory of the earth, to thine! * ThJ vijible parts. * Modefty and zeal. ; ( S·] YOu, you brave fpirits, whofe imperial hand Enforc£s, what your looks cannot command, Bring fo~rh your pamper'd Q;t·~ep's~ the lufiful prize) And cunous wrecks ofyouf1~penous eys; . Surround the Circle of the earth,and levy The fairefi Virgins in loves faireft Bevy; ' Then take from each, to make one perfelt grace, Yet would my Love out-fhine that borrowd face, '· [6.] I Thou art fhe, corrivall'd with no other, ~ Thou glorious daughter of thy glorious Mother The New Jeru[alem, whofe.Virgin birth. Shall ~eifie the ~ Virgins of the earth ; . The Virgins ofthe earth have ' feen thy beauty, And fiood amaz'd, and in a proftrate duty) ' Cc a Have .....