Siom Sonets; 3 S9 Return thee to my bofome, let my brefl: Be fiiii thy Tent ; Take there eternal refl:; Return, 0 Thou, in whofe enchanted, Are Darts enough,to make an army ftie . _ :f Security. :t- Worldly pleafure,f. Lu.l FAir Daughter ofthe Highefl: King, how fwee-t Are th' unaffelted graces of thy :t- Feet ? From every fiep, true Maje.fty dot.h fpring, . Fitting the Daughter off6 htghaKmg : · •· Thy Waft is circled with a* Virgii? Zone, Imbellifht round with many a precious :t- Stone, Wherein ~hy curious Workman did fulfil The utm<)fi glory of his ciiviner ski!. . *Thy wt~y.r. *Thegirdleof Truth * The pre.ciou.r, gift.r of the_.$pirit. [ 12 .] ' • THy* Nave!, where thy holy Embryon doth Receive fWeet nourifhment, and heavenly growth Is like a Chrifial Spring, whofe frefh fupply Of living waters, Sun, nor Drought can dry: Thy* fruitful Womb is like a winnow'd heap Ofpurefi Grain, which Heavens bleft hand did reap, ~ W1th Lillies f~nc'd: True Emblem of rare treafure,--- 1 Whofe Grain denotes increafe; whofe Lillies, pleafure. * Whereby th~ri i.r a receipt of [piritual Conceptions * Increafe efthe fairbful. ' · ' · .· . [I3•] . . THy dainty* Brefts, are)ike fair twins,both fwelling : · In equal Majefiy; in hue excelling The new-fain Snow upon th' untrodck:n mountains, From whence there flows, as' fr6m exub'rous foumains, Rivers ofheavenly Neflar, to allay The holy rhirft of fouls: Thrice they, And. mo:·e chary thrice, whofe bleftJaffectionsbring Then· thrrfiy palats to fo fweet aSpring. >f T!Je Old and NewTeflament. C c 3 14. Thy