\ . 390 Sio)u Sonftf. ' [ 14.] I • THy* Neck doth reprefent an Ivory Tower, lmperfe8: purenefs, and :united Power · Thine * Eys (like pooles at a frequented ga:e For ev cry coiner , to draw water at) Ar,e_ common treafur~s, and likeCryfi:al glaffcs, Shews each his lively vifage, a$ he pafies. · Thy* Nofe, the curious 0 rgan of thyScent. Wants nothing mo.re, for ufe, for Ornament. , *Teachers. *Glorious in all parts. I [rs.J · THy *Tyres ofGold ( enricht withglorious Gems Rare Diamonds, and PrinceLy Diadems) Adorn thy brows, and·with their native worth Advance thy glory , and fet thy beauty forth,: 5o perfea: are thy Graces, fo divine, .And full of heaven are thofe fair looks of thine, That I'm inftamed ,with the double fire Pfthy full beauty, and .my fierce defire~ ' :tThe Ceremonies ofthe Churc!, . , r.6.J · 0 Sacred Symmetry! o rare connexion Ofmany perfeCts, to.make one perfection ! 0 heavenly Mufick,_where all parts do meet In one fweet firain) to make one perfell: fweet ! ()glorious m~rnbers,, whofe each feveral feature< Divine,compofe fo, fo divine aCreature! F~ir foul, as all thy parts united be Entire, fo fumm'd are all my joys in thee [ 17·] 'THy curious Fabricke, and ereCted f\:ature , Is like the generou~ Palm, whofe lofty nature In fpight of envious violence will afpire, · -Wb~n ~of.t (upprefi, ~he more jt moup.t~ the higher ; , . - . Thy