Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Siom SonetJ ~ 393 , That each may .corporally converfe with oth~r, . , As fri~nd with friend, as fifier with her brother; o how mineeys ·could welcom fuch a fight.! How would my foul di.ifolve with o'r-delight. : ~ ' . [ 6.] . .. THen fhou1d tl,lis hand conduB: my faireft Spoufe, . To tafte a banquet at my mothers ~ houfe ; Our fruitful Garden fhould pr~fent thine eys With fweet delights; her Trees fhould facri~ce Their early fruits to thee ; our tender Vine Shouldchear thy palate with her unpreft Wine; Thy haqd fhould teach my Jiving Plants tP thrive; And fuch, as are a dying, to revive. *The vniverfalChurch. [7.] J . T Hen fhould my foul enjoy within this breft A holy Sabbath of eternal Refi; (fpire ·Then fhould my caufe, that fuffers through deOf.errour, and rude ignorance, have right; _ Then fhould thcfe * fireams, whofe tydes fo often rife, Beebb'dawayfrommyfuffufedeys; . · . , Then fhou1d my fpirits fill'd with heavenly mirth~ . Trinr.r.ph o'r Hell, and find a qeaven on earth~ · *Tears and [orrows. '>- • ' . . [8.] . ALL you that w1fh the boun.tifui encreafe ... ' Ofdearefi pleafures, and divinefi })€ace, l charge you all, (if ought my charge may niov~ Yourtender hearrs)~notto difiurbmy Love; Vex not his gentle Spirit) nor bereave ' Him of his joys, thatjs fo apt to grieve; Dare not to break his quiet flumbers,lefl: Y01.1 rouze a raging Lyon from his refi. · *·Not to veoc ·and grieve his holy Spirit, · · /- ,. Who