394 SionJ Sonett.' \ ( [9.] ' ' . ' ' wHoever Iov'd, that ever lov'd, as I, That for his fake renounce my felf, deny The worlds beft joys,and·have the world forgone? Who ever lov'd fo dear,as I have done? I fought my Lowe, and found him * lowly laid . Beneath the tree ofLove, in whofe fweet fbade He refted ; there his eye fent forth the fire That firft inftatn'd my amorous defire. >t-InhumilitJ. [ro.] My dcareft Spoufe, 0 feal me on tl1y heart, So fure,that envious earth may never part Our joined fouls ; let not the world remove Mychafte defires from fo choiceaLove; For, O,my Love's not flight, her flames are ferious, Was never death fopowerful, fo imperious:- My jealous zeal is a confuming fire, . That burns my foul, through fear and fierl:e defire. (11] [greu Fires may he quencht ; and flames .though near fo With many drops fhall faint, and lofe their heat : ~ut thefe quick fires of love, the more fupprefi, The more ·they flame in ~y inflamed brefi :, How dark is honour ! how obfcure and dim Isearths bright glory, but cornpar'd with him! ~ow foul i£ Beauty! what a toyI, is Pleafure! How poor is Wealth! how bafe a thing is Treafure! . [ t2] ' I Have a* Sifier, which by thy div!ne . Andbounteous Gr;tce,ourMarriage fhal make thme: She is mine own, mine only fifter, whom My Mother bare, the youngefi of her womb: She's yet a* child, her beauty may improve, Her breafis are fmall, and yet too green for love ; , *The Churcb ofthe Gentzla, then uncalted. * Vncttll cl to the trutiJ• When I