Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

: SionJSonett~ . 3'S Whenthn~. and years fhall addperfection toher, Say ( deardl Love) ·what honour wilt thou do her l BR JD1!.- GR. 0 0 M. Sonet XXII. I l F fhe be fair,andwith her beauty, prove As ch~fie, as loyal to her Virgin-Love, . As thou haft been ; then in that high degree I le honour her, as I have honour'd thee : Eefhe a-s conf1:ant to her Veftal vow, And true to her deYoted faith, as thou ; 1 lie crown her head, and fill her hand with power, And give a 1\ingdome to her for a Dower. I B R. I D E.. Sonet XXIII. \1V. Hen time fhall ripen thefe l{er greep defires And holy Love thal breath her heav'nlyfircs Irito her Virgin brea(t, her heart !hall be As true to love, as I am true to thee: owhen thy boundlefs bounty fball conjoyn _, Her e-qual-glorious Maiefiy, with mine, My joyes are perfett, then in facred bands, Wedlock !hall couple our efpoufed hands. 1 B R ,J D E-G R. 0 0 M. Sonet XXIV. I Am thy Gard'ner, thou my fruitful Vine, whoft: rip'ned Clufiers fwell with richeft Wine ; The Vines ofSolomon ~ere not fo fair, His Grapes were not fo precious, as thine are; His Vines were fubjelt to the vulgar will Ofhir'd hands, and metcenary skill: , Corrupted Caries were merry with his Vines, And at·a pJ!ice return'd their bar-ter'd Wines.