Sions Sonet.t." ' ' ' [2.} : . ~ BUt mine's a Vineyard,· which no ruder hand _ Shall touch, ft.Jbjelted to my foie command ; My felfwirh this laborious arm will dre[s 'it, · My"prefence with a bufie eye fhall hlefs it' _ -. 0 Princely Sol011ion, thy thriving Vine · Is not fo fair, fo bountiful as mjne; ·· Thy greedy fharers claim an earned pire, But mine's referv'd, .anA te my feif entire. . [ 3· 1 . - ... . () Thou that dwell'fi : ~- where th' eternal fame _. Ofmy renown fo glqrifies my name, . Illufirious Bride, in \vhofe celeftial tongue Are facred fpells ! t' inchant the ruder ~hrong; ' 0! Jet thy lips like a perpetual ftory, / Divulgemy graces, and decl~re tnyglory ; Dire a: thofe hearts, that errour leads aftray, ( Diffolve the* Wax, but make obdt,re the* Clay; =+-In the great Congregation. *The Penitent: *The Prefumptuous. · . . B R ID E. Sonet XXV. M Oft glorious Love, and honourable Lord, My heart's the vowed fervant of thy Word, But I am weak , and as a render Vine, · Shall faii,unpropt by that dear hand of thine: · Affifl me therefore, that I may fulfiiJ _ What thou comrriandfl:,and then comtBand thy will; · 0 leave thy SacredSpirit in my brefi, r As Earneft of an everlafiing Rel1. - l '