To the READ ER~ I F the ruiues ofTroy, Rome, Thebes, or Ca!'thage , have been thought a fuhefllftlr• thy the emplo,yment of more ferious Pens, to . entt~il the remnizbranct thereof to .po/feritJ, ~ horP much more worthy the.pain.r of a livelier Pen than mine, is this antient, mofl true, and never enot1gh t(} be lmented defolatiun, and C11ptivityo( Jeruf~ ; erufalem, the holy Cit] of God; Jen(fsle. ~, t eType of the Catholik! Cht4rch? ,Afte~ Aghtun moneths Siege, in the eleventh )'ear of Zedekiah, the ninth day of the fourth moneth, (which was the eighteenth )'ear ofNabu· chadonozor aver Babylon) the Frences of Baby.. Ionfurprh.,ed and too~ this brave City of Jerufa– lem : prefently after which, Nabuzaradan the General ofthe BabyJonian Army (commanded bJ Nebuchadonczor) [poileJ ~he Temple, c~rried t~waJ the Vejfels ofGold l!nd Stfver, that were con- . fecrated to Gods fervice, and thegreat Laver gi– ven by K. Solomon, aud burned the Temple, the , firft day of the ne:c:t momth, which was one and twent') dayes t~Jter the furprizAl : 470years ; fix mrmeths, t~nd ten da)'S tt[(er :he foundation there– of; I c6:. J,NirJ ,fixmomthts, ten dll) n, after the departure ' \