Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

·To theRE ADE R. 1ot ifJ all theScript-ures, there is,none fo iopt:of1s, none fo t~rdcnt ,; concerning which Greg. Nazianzell confef{es, Threnos J~remire nunquam a fe .ficcis oculis leB:os e!fe. Yet fome think_. there is aMe– thod k.!pt,-hut too fine anti intricate, fer our grtJj[e appeh~.njioru s· Tvttchiul this point, Saint Am-. brofe Lib. 8. Epift. ad J uH:. Jays Demus eas fe– cundurn arc~m non tcr.ipfilfe , at certe fecun.o. ~ dum gratiam fcriplllfe fatendum . en, qure om~. ne~ ~a~terp Ionge ruperartandwith thirl reft. I ToN jhall obferve, th~-tt the four firfl Chapters of thefe Lamentations. carry aJltiEl order in the Ori• ginal, fur ever)'Verfe throughout every Chapter; beg 'm with a feveraf letter of the Hebrew Alpha– bet, excrpt tke.third Chapter, wherein tbe firft, an4 every third P'erfe onlj is tjed to Ptletter, and con•. tinuesthe A.'phabetthrough, whichfrom the Pro• phet u[ed,partly for eloqutnce, p.czrtly fBr mem~j ~ks; meaningeither literally thHJ , that it eugh~ iv be perfect tU the Alphabet in memur)', or Hiero– L~!Jphically,thus, that M the Aphabet is the Radix· ofall words, {o the mi[eries ofthe Jew'.r; were th~ c.ombinatifm of all miferia. · - For the fame caufes, I likfwife here in my Peri– phrafe-, h::1ve cbferved the fame form, and continNt the A'ph::bet in Englifh, tU the Prophet did in tht Hthrcw, dejiring to he his jh~tdorr; a-s much M l 'can. It (/ppe.~rs by the firitfnefs of tbe Order, tht~: D d the(: , .JI / .-