Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

ltlltllttlllf ·siONS ELEGIES• · Threnodia I. EL E G · 1. ·AH griefofTimes ! ha fable times ofGrief, · Whofe torments find a voice, but no relief! Are thefe the buildings ? thefe the Towre and flare) That a.tl th' amazing earth fiood wondring at? Is this that City,whofe eternal Glory Could ·find no period for her endlefs fiory! And is fhe come to this? Her buildings ' raz'd, 'Her towers burnt 1 Her Glory thus defac'd! ..,. 0 fudden change! 0 world of Alterations! She, fhelhat was the Prince, the ~1een ofNationsil See, how ilie lies, onlrength, of all, bereav'd, Now pfying fribute, which fhe once receiv·d. !i.LEG. 2. T) Ehold 1her evs, thofe-glori6us eyes that were J) L ke two fair-Suns in one celeftial Sphere, Who ;e radiant Beams did, oi1ce, refiect fo bright, Are n1,.w ec1ipted, and have loft ther light; And e~m lke Iflands about which <~ppears A troqbled Ocean, with a Tide of Tears; • Her . • r