Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

,• Sions Elegiu; r f • . E. LE. G. ~· F Ncreas'd.-in power; and _high Chevifa.nce 1 , OfArms, The Tyrant.Foemen do advance Their craft~ cr~fts ; he, h~ ~t~at was tpyfather , i And crown d thee once With b1effings,now·doth gather His Troops to work thy end ; ~ him; who advanc'd the~ ~o be Earth'! ~een, thy fins have bent agai,nfi: thee; _ St range fpefl:ac.Ic;·ofg_rief! Thy tender frie, \\' hom c:;hi ldhood taught no language, bur their cric T" exprefs their i9fanr grief, rhefe, wretched thefe By fQrce ofchildi01 rears, could not appc:afe The ruchlefs fword, whrch deafto aUtbeir cries, Piddrive th~m captives from their MothS!rs ey$~ E ;LE G. 6. FAir Virgin Si~tr~. where, (ah) where: are thofe Purecheeks,.wherein the Lil1y and Rofe So much cont<:ncted l~tely for the place, Till both compounded in thy glorious face ? How haft thou Siea(d thofe Sun-bright eys ofthin~, Thofe beams, the royal,Magazins of divine · And ra·cred Majefty, from whofe pure light The purblind wor.ldlings did receive their fight! . Thy fearful Princ~sieave their fencelefs Towers~ •.And ftie like H01rts before their fwift purfuers; _ 'tike light-foot Harts they fiie, not knowing where~ l'rickt on with.Famine, · and difiraR~sl Fear. I i._LE.G. 7· > GAird with her grief, Jerufa!em reca1Is Tomind'her Iofl delig;lts, her Fefiivals, iJer peaceful freedome, andfuil joys, i_n vain Williing what Earth cannot refiore agam ; ' · ··· · ·' Succou,