Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Sion.r Ele,giu: 407 Succour fhe fought and~gg~d, but none.was there Togive he Alms of one poor trickling tear; The fco1 furJ:ps ofher amazed Foes, _,Deride: the grH.: i tner d~aftrous woes: Tpey. augh, and l.tymore ample torments onher, _D1fdam to looX, andyet they gaze uponher, Abufe her .Altars, hate her Offerings, · _Prophaneher _Sabbaths, andher holyThings. · I. 'ELEG. 8. H Adit -thou, ( ]eru[11lem) 0, had thy heart Been loyal to ht~ Love, whofe, ~nee t}lou w,ert, 0, had the beams of tby unveiledeie - , Continu'd pure; hadft thou been nie-e.to trie . New pleafures, thus thy glory ae'r had wafted, ·Thy walls,t:ill now, 1!1\e.thy reproa~h~ h~d lafte4 Thy Lovers, whofe falfe beauties dtd mt1ce tnee, Have feen thee naked, and do now defpife thee ; ;Drunk with thy wanton pleafure-s, they are fted, And fcorn tlie bQu.nty of thy lo'!thed bed ; . Left to thy guilt (the fervant of dry fin) l'hou. fha~e'tl: to fhow, what .o~ce, .~hou giQriedft in, ·· - £ L F.G9· JErufalem i:S all irtfe8:ed over · . With Leprofie, whofefilthno fhade can cover, Puft up with prid~ .unmindful of her end, . See Iww fhe lies, devoidofhelp, or friend. Great LordofLords ( whofe mercy far tranfcends Thy facred Jufiice) whofefull hand attends !he cries ofempty R'f,vens, bow down thine ears !.o wretchedSien, Sion drown'd in tears : ,Thy hand did plant her, (Lord) fhe is thyVil)e, ~on.found}}er foes : tl}ey are her fo~s, a.nd thine: Dd 4 Shew