~10 SionJ Eleg;es. Betray'd me tomy foes, and what is worf~, ~erray'd me to iny tdf, :tndheaven's curfe, Berray'd nw foulto an eternal grief, . pevoidofhope, for e'r oo find reli~f. :I LE q. 1$· PErplex-t with change of woes, where. e'r I turN My fainting eys, they fine! frdh caufe to mourn : Mygriefs move like the PI,~m~ts,..which .appear .Chang"d from their places, confiant in their fpher~ i Behold, theearth...confounding armofHeaven, Hath cow'dmyvaliat:tt ~"ptains, and hathdrivel) Theirfcatterd forces up and down thc·fl:reer, ~ike worried fheep, afraid of all tpeymeet; Myyounger men, the feed of propagation, · Exile bath driven frommy divided Nation; My tender Virgins ha'V'e not fcap'd their rage; Which ne.ith~r had refpe~ to youth, nor ag~ ii.LEG. H$. , Q:Uick chang-e .oftorment~! equal to thofecrima · 'iVhichpafi unthought-of inmy profp'rous titnes~ 'romhence proceed my griefs, (_al~' me !)fro~ hence My Spring-tyde forrows have their mftuence; . for rhefe my foul diffolve.s, my ~yes l<Jment, · Spending thofe ~ea~, w~1?fe fior~ will'ne'r be fpent; for thefe my famnng fpmr.s dmop, an,d ~~It In anguiCh, fpch as r)I:Ver Mortal felt; . Wi~hin the fdf-farr.e flames, l freez, and fne~ I roar for help, and yet ne help is nigh ; . ·My fons are loft, whofe fortunes wou,d rehev~ ~e' And on~y fu.ch triumph, that hourly grieve tne, E.LE G