-1- t 2. Siont Eleg;n ~ Where fhall I turn ? fhall I implore my friends! Ah, fummer friendfhip, witQ. the.Summer ends; In vain to themmy gr+>ans, in vain my tears, For harvefl friends can fiq.d no wintet ~ars, . Or fhall I call my facred Priefis for aid ? Alas! my pined Priefis a1~e all betray'd To Death, and Famine; in the fireets they qied For hread, and whilfi: they fought for bread, they died : Vengeance could never firikefo hard a blow, . As whe!J ~~ fends ~n unlamented we~, ELEG.2o. V Ouchfafe (great God} to turn thy~tn~ereys On me poor- wretch :Oh, let my m1dmght cryes (That never ceafe, ifnever fiopt with tears :) Procure audience from thy_gracious ears : Behold thy creature,made by change of grief, ' 'The b01refl: wretch,that ever beg'd relief;- r; • See, fee, my foul is tortur'd on thy Rack, My bowels tremble, and my heart-firings crack ; · 'Abroad, the fword with open ruine frights me ; At home,, the (ecret hand of Famine fmites me; Srrange 6res ofgri~f! How is my foul opprefi, That finds .abroad no peace, at home no ,refl! . . ELE(f. 2I. Vv Her.e, where art thou, 0 facred Lambofpeace , That promis'd to the heavy laden, eafe l · Thee, thee alone, my often bended knee Invokes, that have no other help, but thee: My foes (amazed at my hoarfe complaining) Scoff at my oft repeated cries,difdaining . 'To J~nd their profp'rous, hand, they hifs and imile, . Taking a pleafure to beholdmy fpoil : . - Thetr