Sit~tu Eleg!e.r~· 4 T 3 Their hands delight to bruife my broken reeds, And fiill perfifi to prick that heart that bleeds: But there's a Day ( ifProphets can divine) · .Shall fcourge their fim, as they have fcourged mine. ELEG. 22. , . YOu noifome weeds, that lift your ~refis fo_high, When better plants for want ofrno1fiurc die; "(hink you to ftourifh ever? and(unfpy~d) To fhoot the flowers of your fruitlefs pride l .. Ifplants be cropt, bccaufe their fruits are fmall,) , Think you to thrive, that bear no fruit at all! Look down(great God) and from their pla~es tear Thefe weeds, that fuck the juice, 1hould make us bear: Undew{i with !bowers, let them fee no Sun, But feel thofe frofFs, that thy poor plants have dor.e. 0 cleanfe thy Garden that the World may know we are the feed, that thy right hand did fow. Thre-nodia I r. t.LHG. r. ALas! my torments, mv difirJch:d fears · Bave no commerce, with realonable rears: How bath heavens ab!ence darkned the renown OfSions glory with one angry frown ! How hath th' Almighty clouded thole bright beams~ .And chang'd.her beau~tes ftreamers~ into flream$! ~ io r, the glory Qf whoft: refulgenr Fame Gave earnefl: ofan everbiting name, Is now become an inHigd1:ed. Maf~, .Anj ruine is, where tluc br,tve glory was: How hath heavenHruck her l:.'lrth-admired name I rom eh height of honour, Cl. the depthof fbme ! .. ELEG~ . ' /