Sionr f.!egin~ · 4 I J His finewy arm hath drawn his fteely bow, Vmd fent his forked fbafts to overthrow My pined Princes, and to rhinate The weakned Pillars of my wounded State : . His hana hath fcourg'd my dear delights,acquited My foul, of all, wherein my foul delighted : · I am the mirrour of unmasked fim, . . . To fee her (dearly purchas'd) pleafures in~ . . E. LE. G, ,. EVen as the P)lot,whofe fharp Keel di\'ides , . The encountring Waves of the SicilianTideS;: Toil: on the Iifis of death, firiviag to fcape · .. The danger of deep-mouth'd CarybdiJ ritpe, ... . · Rebuts on Scylla, with a forc'd, And wrecks upon a lefs fufpetted fear ; Even fo poor I, contriving to withfiand My Foe-mans, fail into the Almighty's hand: .So I, the child of ruine, to avoid Lefs dangers, by a gre:;:ter .am ddl:roy'd ; How n~cdfary, ah-!-,how fharp's his end, That neithdr bath hi~ God, nor man~ to friend! E. LE. G. 6. . ~ FOrgottenSion hangs her·drooping head Upon her fainting breafl: ; Her fouJ is fed With endlefs grief, whofe torments had depriv'd her Long fince, oflife, had·not new pains teviv'd htr: Sion is like a Garden, whofe defence Being broke, is left: to the rude.violence Ofwaf\:ful Swine, full ofnegle(ted wafie ; Nor having flower for fi:nell, nor herb for rafl:e ; Heaven takes no pleafure in her holy Feafis, . Her idle Sabbaths; or burnt fat ofBeafis; .Both;