Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

416 Sion.r Bleg!n; Both State atra Temple are defpoild,and fleec~i Ofall their beanry ;·without Prince, or Prie1lo· . . I EL E~a. 7• GLory,that oncedid Heavens bright temple filJ~, Is now departed from that facredHill ; · See, how the empty Altars fiarid difgui.s'd ,. , Abus'd by Gentiles, , and by Heaven defpis 'd ; . That place, wherein the Holy One bath taken , So fweet delight, lies loathed and forfaken ; That facred place, wherein the precious Name Ofgreat Jeh9vahwas preferv'd, ·the fame Is tiun'd a Den for theeves; an open ftage For vice tQ.-~lt on ; a defiled Cage Ofunclean hirds; a houfe ofpriviledge For fin, and uncontrolled facriledge.. ELEG. 8. H Eaven bath decreed ; his angry breafl: doth boti, His time's expired, and he's arm·d tofpoil; His fecret Will adjourn"d the righteous doom· Of threatne.d Sion, and her time is come; . His hand is arm'd -with thunder, from his eys A flame more quick, than fulph'rous /.Etna, flies; . Sion mufi fa'll : That hand which harh begun,. Can never·reft,till the full work be done. Her Walls are funk, her Towers are overthrown~· Heaven will not leal'e a ftone upon a fione ; Henc;:e, hence the floods of roaringJ~dah_ rife-,. Hence: Sion fills·the:,Cifternsofher eys. ELE(J.t ~ · ' '·