Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

c_ .I 4'-0 SionJ J?)egiu~ But now, alas ! _thy Crop confum·d,-andgone, Thou art but food for bca(b to trample on: - Thy fcrvants glory in thy tuine, thofe That were thy private friends, are·publike foes: Thus, thus (fay they) we fpit our rankrons fpleen, And gnafh our teeth upon the worlds fair ~een : . Thrice welcom this (this long expelted) day, ,That .crowns our conquefi, with fo tweet a prey. / I ELEG. 17. REbellious711dab ! Could thy flatt'ring crimes Secure the~from the·dangers of the times. - Or did thy Summer Prophets ere fore fay Th~fe evils, o~warn'd thee of a winters day ? Did not thofefweet-!ipt Oracles beguil . Thy wanton ears, wtth news ofWine, andOy-1? But heaven is juf\:: what his deep counfel will'd, His Prophets told, and )ufl:ite hath fulfild: He bath def\:roy'd; no fecret place fo void, · No fort fo fure, that heav-en bath not defiroy'd : Thou land ofJudah! how"s thy facred Throne Become aftage, for Heathen to trample on ! ELEG. 18. SEE, fee, th' accurfed Gentile! do inherit ; 1 The Land of promife; where heavens facred fpirit Built !empies for his everlafiing Name, There, there th'. ufurping PaganJ do proclaim Their idle Idols, unto whom they gave . That fl:oln 'honour which heavens Lord lhould have : WinkSion; o' let not thofe eyes be ftain~d With heavens difhonour, feendt heaven profan'd: Clofe, clofe thine eys, or if they needs muft oe Open, like flood-gates, to let water fle~,