Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Sions ;f.legiu: 4'1. Xet let the violence of ther floing flreams Obfcure thine open eys,-and mask their beams. .. E.LE.(}. 19• TRuft not thy eye-lids, lefi a flattering fleep Bribethem to refi, and they forget to weep:. , Pour out-thy heart, thy heart diffolv'd in rears, Weep forth thy plaints in th' Almighties ears : Oh let thy cries, thy cryes to hea-ven addref}, Difiurb the filence ofthy midnight refi; Prefer the fad petitions·of thy foul . Toheaven,ne'r clofe thy lips,till heaven condoU! Confounded Sion, and her ·wounded weal ; "fhat God that fmit, oh move that God to heal! · Ob, let thy tongue ne'r ccafe to call, thine eye Toweep, thy penfive heart nc'r ceafe t.ocry! E.L E. G·. 20. Vouchfafe, Othou eternal Lord ofpity, . To look "nSion, and thyDeareft City 1 Confas'dJerRfalem, •for thy DavidJ fake, And for that promife which thy felf did make tohalting I[rael; lo, thy band ha.thforc'd .. Mothers (whom Iawlefs famincllath div.orc'd ·From dear affeltion) to devour the blooms, , ·· And buds, that burthen'd from their painful wombs; Thy facred Priefis <Jnd Prophets, that while-e'rc ;Did "ourly whifper in thy neighb'ring ear, Are faln qefore the facrilegious Sword, ~Yen:where, even whilfi they did unfold thy~ord. &LEG. 21. ~~ ..~ W Ounded,21ndwafled by th' eternal hand Of heaven, I grovel on the &roun4 ; xpy l~l)d · Ee~ · · ~ I I