( 424 Sions Eleg;eft. I feekmy pea~e, but feek my peace in vain; .. For everyway'~ CJ trap; each path's a train. E. LE G. 4• , Difinrbedlions areappeas'd with blood,_. And ravenous Bears are mild, npt wanting food : But hea,v,ep, ah ! heaven will. not implored be: . Lions ahd Bears are not fo fierce as he: His direful vengeancze (which no mean confines) Hath croft the thriving ofmy befl: defignes : / His hand hath fpoil'd me, thate'rwhile advanc"d me, Brought in my foes, poffefl: my friends againfi m~ : His Bow is bent, hjs forked Rovers fly Like darted hail-fl:ones from the darkned ~ky, Shot from a hand that cannot err, they bf; .· Transfixed in. no other mark, but me. :fl.LEG. S• EXil'd from heaven I wander to and fro, And feek for fireams, as Stags new fi:ricken d~ · And like a wandring Hart I flee the Uounds, . . . With arrows deeply fixed in my wounds, My deadly hunters with a winged pace, . Prick forwards, and purfue'their wary chace, They whoop, th~y hollowme~deride and flout me, That flee from death, yet carry de~rh about me: /' . Excefs oftormpnts hath my foul de_ceiv'd Ofall her joyes, of all her powers bereiv'd: 0 curious grief, that hafl: my foul brim fill'd With thou(and deaths, ~nd yet my fo).ll not kill'd ~ \ E.LEG. 6. _ FOilow'd with troops of fears, I flie in vain, . For dpnge ofplaces breeds ne'w)' ~hange ofpa~n ihe