42.8 Siont Eleg;~,; .Man wills, beav~n breaths fuccefs, or not, upon it ; What good, what evil _befalls,'but heaven bath done it! Upon his right hand health, and honoursftand, And flaming fcourges oq the other hand 1: Si-ncethen·the flares ofgood or evil depend Upon his wilf (fond mortaL) thou attend Upon his wifdom; why fbould living dufi _ / Complain ofheaven, · becaufe that heaven is jufl? . . E. L 1!. G. 14. ·Q Let tfiebalanc~ofour ev,en pois'dhear.ts ' Weifh ouraffliltions with our juftde(errs, And eafe our heavy fcale ; Deuble the grains We take from fin, heaven taketh.from.ourpains ) 0 let thy lowly bended .eys no·t fear . Th' Almighties fr,owns, nor husband one poor tear; Be prodigal in fighs, and }(t.Jhy tongue, Thy tpngue eftrang"d to heaven, cry all night long ; My foul thou Jeav"tl: what thy C.r~ator did WiH~e to do, haft done, what he forbid ; , This, this hath made fo grear a firangenefs b9 (Ifnotdivo,rce) betwixohyGod and th.~e. - . E. L E G. I .~. I PRepar'd to ~engeance, at1d r~fol.v'~ t.o fpo~1, Thy hand (JuftGod ) h;uh taken m thy-toll Ourwounded fouls, tha~ Arm-which hathforgot His'wonted mercy, kills, and fpareth not ; Our crim~s have fet a b~r ~-ty.rixt thy grac.~ Andus -; thou haft e~fip{l-thy glorious face_ . Hall: fiopt thy gracious ear, lefi prayers inforce Thy tender heart to pity and remorfe : · See, fee great God, what thy<iear l1and bath .done ; We Iielike drofs, when all the €old is gone, Conremn·d, defpis'd, and Jjke io Ato.mes)He ll~for~ the SAP~ th.eJ~9n1 of ev ~ r y eye. . ·' . ELE q• .. ' .