Sions Elegies. • .. '< . . ELE.G. J• CAri furious Dragons hear .their helpleBbrood~ . . Cry our~ and fill their hungry lips with food I ~ f:Jath Nature taught fit:rce Tygers to apply The br~aft unto their younglings empty cry? ' Have favage beafis .time, place, and natures helps,· . To feed and fofier up their idle whelps: And fhall the tender Babes ofSion cry, And pine for food, and yet theirs mothers by l ~ragons, and Tyg~rs, and all favage beafis . Can feed their young, but Sion hath no breafis :. Pifielfed Si on, more unhappy far, . Than Il>ragons, favage Beafis, or Tygers are! EL 1i G. 4• "· DEath thou p,urfuefi, if from death thou fle~· Or if thou turnfi thy fli ght, death follows thee i Thy 'ftaff of life is broke; fpr want ofbread,· Thy City pines,and half thy Ia~d is dead ; ' '[he [on t' his father weevs, makes fruitlefs lnoan; The fathe\ weeps up9n his weeping fon : The brother ea s upon his pined brother : And borh come crying to their hungry mother i ';rhe empty Babe, infiead of m~lk, drawes down His Nurfes tears, well mingled with his own ~ Nor change ofplace, nor time with help fupplies thee; Abroad the Sword; Famine at homedeftroys thee. ·· EL E G. 5· E Xcefs and Surfet now have. left thy Coaft . , ~Th~ Javifh gttefl: now want~ his greedy Hofi; J'lo wanton Cook prepares his poynammear, To teach afatiate palate how to eat ' . F f NoW'