.... i 4 Slon1 Eleg;es: NowBaccbNs Pines, and fhakes his feeble knees 1 And pamper'd Envy looks,as plump as Hee's; Difcolour,d Cere~, tho~t was once fo fair, Hath loft her beauty, fing'd her golden nair ;– ThyPrinces mourn in rags; afham,d t' infold' Their leaden fpirirs in a cafe of gold; · From place to place thy Stateqnen wandring are,. Ort(~very 'dunghil lies a man ofwar. ·• ' E LE G. 6~ FOul Sodom, and incefiuous Gomorra'!J, Hadmydefi:ruetion, but ne'r my forrow:– Vengean~e had mercy there, her hand did fend A fharp beginning, but a fudden end ; _ Jufl:ice was milde, and with her ·hafiy ftafh~s They fell, aud fweetly flept in peaceful afhes; They felt no rage of an infulting·foe , Nor Famines pinching fury, as I do They had no f1cred Temple to defile; Or if they had, they would have helpt to fpoii; They dy'd but once, but I, poo wretched I, Di~ many deaths, and yet have more to die. EL EG. 7• G. Old from the Min~, ~ilk from theu~erous Cow~ was ne'r fo pure m fubfi:ance, nor m fhow, As were my Ntl;zarite!, whofe inward graces Adorn'd the outward lufire of their faces; Their faces robb'd the LiHy, and the.Rofe, Of red and white\; more fair, more fweet than thofe Their bodies were the magazines ofperfeltion~ TLeir skins unblemifht, were of pure cornplexioa, . · Through _which their Saphire-colour'd veins defcride The Azure beauty of.their naked pride; The