Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

Sions ElegieJ• E.LE(}. IS· PRophets, S! facred Priefis, whofe tongues while-c:'t Didoften whifper in th' Eternals ear, . J)ifclos'd his oracles, found ready paffage ·Twixt God and !Dan to..carry heavens Emba[age~ Are now the fubJelts ofdeferved fcorn, .. OfGod forfaken, and •fman forlorn; Accurfc:dGentilesare afhar.n 'd to know, What Zions Priefi:s are riot atham'd to do; They fee and bluth, and blpfhing flee away; .. Fearing to touch things fo ddjl'd a~ they; . They hate the filth of their abqmination, Andchafe thep1 fc;>rt~ frgm th~ir n~w cpqu~r'q nation. ELl!.(}. I~. QUite banifht from.the joyes of earth, and (mile$ Of.,..eaven, and deeply buried inher fpoils; · Poor[udah lies; unpiti~d, difrefilefted ; Exil' the World, ofGod, ofman rejefted; Like blafied ears among th~ fruitfJ.tl Wheat, S~ comes difperft,and hath nQ certain feat: Her fervile neck's fubjetted to the yoke – ()(bondage, open to rh' impartial ftroke . 1 -Of conquering (}entile.r, whofe affiilting hand Smitcs every nook of her difguifed land ; ()fYourh refp~ltlefs, nor regarding Year$, - Nor Sex, nor Tribe; like fcourgirig Princ~ !lnd l'e~rs. , EiEG. l7· · _.. J REnt and pepofed from Tmp<:riai (lar~; . . By heavens hJgh hand, on h~aven ' w~ muf\: awa1~ To him that firuck, our fotrmvs mufi appeal ; Where heaven hath fmit, no hand of mancan heal . tn