Siolu Elegie.r. invain our .wound$ expefted mans relief, For difappoinred hopes renew a grief: Egypt oppreft us in our fathers loyns ; What hope"s in Egypt? Nay~ if Et.ypt joins Her force with JudaiJ, our united powers 439 - ( . . Could ne'r prevail 'gainft fuch a foe as ours~ , Egypt., tHat once .did feel heav'ns fcourge for grieving His, would now re...fin'ditfor r ..elteving. , · _ E. LE G. 18. ' So the<:JUick-fcented Beagles, in aview, o·r hill and dale the fleeting chafe purfue, , As fwift- fo'or death and ruine follow me, . ' That ftees, afraid, yet knows not where to flee : Flee to the fields ! there with the Sword I meet ; And, 1ike a watch, death fiands in every ftreet; No covert hides from death ; no fhade, no Celis So dark, wherein not death and horror .dwells ; Our dayes are numbred, and our number's done, The empty hour-glafs ofour glory's run; . Our fins.are fumm'd, and fo extream·s th~ fcore, :That heaven could not do lefs, nor hell do more. ELEG. 19· --To wnat·a downfall are our fortunes come., · SubjeCted to the fufferance of a doom, Whofe lingring t_orments hell coul~ not confpire More fharpJ than which hell needs noother fire·f How nimble ar.e our Fo-men to betray · Our fouls! Eagles are not fo fwi,ft as they : Where{hall we flee ? or where fhall find · A place for harbour? Ah; what profp'rous wind \Vill lend a gale;whofe bounty neY{haU cea(e, ·. ";ril) we be landed on the Iileof peace? . l' f 4 ' . ' My )